

Special Guests:

Dr. Walt Temme PHD
Melanie Yargers
Iku Whitehouse
Lauren Burgoyne (DAZ TV)
Ken Bennett (AZ Sec. of State)
Valerie Thompson

Photo Gallery

The Photos below were taken at
Mountain View High School in late May of 2012.
This event featured 250 high school musicians who actually surrounded the audience in a true-to-life surround sound.
This is the Freedom Rock Experience!
You can view some of the videos on YouTube here:

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CTS Gallery 1 Pictures from the recent Freedom Rock Experience in Gilbert, AZ. Featuring the Mountain View High School Orchestra and Band led by Dr. Walt Temme and featuring Special Guests; Melanie Yargers, Iku Whitehouse, Lauren Burgoyne (DAZ TV), Ken Bennett (AZ Sec. of State) and Valerie Thompson (2-time World landspeed record holder)
CTS Gallery 2 Pictures from the recent Freedom Rock Experience in Gilbert, AZ. These pictures are from the rehearsal. Channel 12 (NBC) showed up and interviewed Jeff Senour and filmed some of the rehearsal.
CTS Gallery 3 More Pictures from the actual Concert and Freedom Rock Experience Show.
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